tip of the iceberg 在 [VLOG] CHEERLEADING 14DAY COUNTDOWN DOCUMENTARY // 啦啦隊14日倒數紀錄片 的影片資訊
Ahhh! The long-awaited countdown documentary!! I took way too long for this one ahaha Some people as...
Ahhh! The long-awaited countdown documentary!! I took way too long for this one ahaha Some people as...
🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃 Watch me cosplay CC while I chat about anime and manga ~~ This is just the ver...
Chancing upon this cover photo from my trip to Bangladesh earlier this year, I was reminded of the k...
「踏上桂林土地 呼吸桂林空氣」Frist time to have English subtitles! 桂林山水甲天下,以「山青、水秀、洞奇、石美」聞名眾所週知,對於這次4天3夜的桂林遊,除了美景...
為什麼傳統管教孩子嘅方法並非長久湊效? 什麼是傳統管教?什麼是正面管教? 當父母看見兒子/女兒有不當行為,例如小至玩水,嚴重至 打人,發脾氣當街尖叫、滾地等等。當你的情緒被牽動至嬲怒時,你會以呼喝、...
*影片含有暴力畫面,請斟酌觀看 (* This MV contains disturbing scenes *) “誰能聽見我內心的無助 陪我一起痛苦”,大家都愛正能量,背負負能量的我們,被遺忘。...